
Maison Sensey メゾン・センシー


Michio Koide, l’art du bijou japonais | Mode | Paris | Maison Sensey https://www.maisonsensey.com/single-post/2018/03/05/Michio-Koide-l%E2%80%99art-du-bijou-japonais


Espace-109 | Paris | Maison Sensey 

For Maison Sensey it's a House that brings together fashion talents. Creators,fashion designers, art craftsmen, model photographers.
Maison Sensey is first and foremost the passion for fashion and the love of Paris.
It is the passion for the beautiful, this authentic pleasure inscribed in the inheritance of the great craftsmen of luxury as in the creativity of the avant-garde.

On the one hand, the style that made Paris the capital of elegance, on the other, Espace 109, a section reserved for fashion designers, designers or artisans who move the lines, evolve the tastes and back the borders to bring to the highest the Parisian imagination.
The Gallery 109 is the home of those who sublimate fashion.
A highlight of those who make fashion backstage. We offer a spotlight on fashion photographers and models. Discover their history and their vision of fashion through a objective photo.



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株式会社シンクアップ co- founder 専務取締役
特定非営利活動法人マナビバ 理事長
学校広報ソーシャルメディア活用勉強会 事務局長(呼びかけ人)
株式会社C&H 取締役
一般社団法人ファーストスタープロジェクツ 理事
一般社団法人日本パブリックリレーションズ学会 常務理事